Hello there.

I’m Nick. I’m a writer, tech geek, passionate baker and cook, fitness fan, and traveler. I work as a management and technology consultant. Learn more about me, or find me on Twitter @nickgracilla or Mastadon @nickgracilla.

Build a Lexicon of Acronyms, Abbreviations and Terms in Microsoft OneNote

Build a Lexicon of Acronyms, Abbreviations and Terms in Microsoft OneNote
OneNote isn’t my favorite tool, but it’s enough to build a powerful glossary.
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Native plantings for Chicago urban parkways

Native plantings for Chicago urban parkways
Once established, native plants thrive without much attention, unlike lawn care that requires fertilizers, mowing, watering, pesticides and worse.
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Export Google Maps Saved Places Lists

Export Google Maps Saved Places Lists
Google makes it hard, but you can export your Saved Places.
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How my Google Maps collapsed

How my Google Maps collapsed
Google Maps is really an ad network. It should be a temporary stopping point for personal mapping information. It can change or go away at any time.
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How not to introduce change at work

How not to introduce change at work
Change is hard. Don’t be Carmy.
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